Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Pouring Kitchen Floor
Finally getting around to pouring the floors in new dining hall. It took a long time, and there is always so much else to do on the community, but the men ganged up and poured entire floor in two days. The weather cooperated nicely, especially for November!
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Men's 3 Day Fishing Trip
Men's 3 day Fishing Trip
The married men enjoyed a great getaway for 3 days at Canoe Lake, about 4 hours north of community. We had a 3 day fish feast!
Monday, 30 June 2014
New FPF PROMO Showroom and Production Area
Brand New PFP Promo Store and facility
FPF Promotions has a brand new office and store, and its a beauty! Lots of room and very well set up, both the embroidery section and the showroom.

Friday, 27 June 2014
High School Graduation Ceremony 2014
High School Graduation Ceremony!
5 Young people successfully graduated from our Christian School this year. We wish them a bright future with Jesus at their side.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Welton Kleinsasser and Family Move in
Welton Kleinsasser and his family join our fellowship. Welton is not new to our community, as he was here for nearly a year back in 2012. They relocated from Minnesota with full blessings from the church where they came from, and we welcome them as they seek full acceptance into the brotherhood fellowship.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Mother's Day Supper
Mother's Day Supper
We staged an evening in honor of our mothers today. Invited all the neighboring couples and we joined for a special commemoration of the woman to whom we all owe our lives, our moms. Evening was special with lots of delicious food, music and even several skits to honor our mothers. And the men did the cleaning up afterwards!!
Sunday, 4 May 2014
4 Young People Accept Baptism
Touching Baptism Today
Four young people committed their lives to Jesus in baptism today. Very inspiring testimonies. Its great to see the power of God at work in young people's lives.
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Choir Presentation in Two Hills, AB
Choir Presentation at Two Hills, Alberta
We had a great time meeting Menonnite friends and presenting a one and a half hour music/powerpoint presentation. Meeting Anabaptist Christians is always a treat because we can all identify and relate so easily. Praise God for the work He's doing.
Saturday, 22 February 2014
Parents/Couples' Night
Parents/Couples' Nights Out
The young people surprised us tonight with a delicious evening of candlelights, music, testimonies, exotic snacks and savory drinks. We were deeply touched, blessed and grateful for the work God is doing.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Dining Hall Starting to Take Shape
Kitchen taking shape
With all main steel work done, the steel studs for the walls are going up fast. This method is far easier to work with than wooden studs and framing.
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